Beach Sunrise
By Lanelle Henderson 13 Apr, 2023
I learned a long time ago, having a morning routine was the basis for the start of a good day. My parents made sure we got a good night's sleep and had a quality breakfast - the most important meal of the day, so we can be alert and focus on our school work.
Angela Berry • Apr 02, 2023

Are you bored with your exercise routine?

You have been very good with staying with your exercise routine but now, you find it very hard to continue. Your workout should be enjoyable and fun. There are a few things to consider as to why you have gotten to this plateau.

  • Are you doing the same routines?
  • Are your workouts performed in the same locations or environment, such as the gym, boot camps, or classes?
  • Do you consider your workout time as “Work”?
  • Are you putting yourself under pressure for a specific goal for a health reason?
  • Do you get enough rest?

“Are your goals realistic?”

When the same exercise stimulus is applied over a period of time, your body adapts and compensates, which means doing the same exercise routine over and over will have the same results, if none at all. The two most important things about exercise are consistency and variety. Being consistent is essential because the best benefits occur when exercise is performed frequently. A variety of exercises on a regular basis will keep the body challenged. Below are a few suggestions to help jump-start your routine:

  • When starting an exercise regimen, rather than focusing on the standard goal of “losing weight and toning up,” choose a fun goal as well. It doesn’t have to be training for a marathon or even a 5K road race. Do something different such as go hiking, sign up for a local obstacle-course event, go dancing, ride your bike, or join a community or organized sports team. This will make your exercise regimen a social experience and incorporate social support. You get the idea.
  • Make short-term goals to help with your long-term goal. If your long-term goal is to lose 20 lbs in six weeks to look good for a vacation or wedding, good luck, especially if you are considered sedentary. Losing 1 lb to 2 lbs per week is the healthiest way to lose. Make a weekly goal such as increasing the resistance or weights in your strength training or running/walking an extra mile. You can even make a workout session goal. For example, adding an extra five minutes to cardio; adding an extra 2 lbs to your weights; or even doing an extra 3 reps or set.

  • Get a dependable “Workout” partner to make you accountable. Notice I said dependable. You want a partner who shows up, puts the work in, and knows how to have fun. This is also a great way to keep your motivation going strong. A dependable workout partner will push you beyond your limits during sessions. You can also join a small personal training group for one or two days a week.

  • To get the best results from your workout -- rest, recover, and recharge. Your muscles grow and get stronger after your workout. Ladies, I’m not talking about getting bulked, that’s another topic. Getting stronger muscles means having more energy to burn more fat. This is important when the goal is to lose weight as well as tone. A good night’s sleep helps your body repair muscles that were used in the workout. Not getting the proper amount of rest can increase levels of the hormone cortisol and this can reduce the levels of protein for muscle growth. Take one to two days off per week from exercise and treat yourself to a massage, a walk in the park, or reading a book, etc.

Changing your working routine every 12 to 16 weeks will help avoid plateaus while maintaining results.

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Beach Sunrise
By Lanelle Henderson 13 Apr, 2023
I learned a long time ago, having a morning routine was the basis for the start of a good day. My parents made sure we got a good night's sleep and had a quality breakfast - the most important meal of the day, so we can be alert and focus on our school work.
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